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Writer's pictureTerry Richards

Finding Calm in the Chaos - Week 1

Finding Calm in the Chaos

Week 1

Learning to find calm in the chaos requires us to look around us to find what is happening right now because right now is all we have any control over.  Our span of control is relevant to what we can change right now and in the space that we occupy at that moment.  

Can we change the world?  Absolutely?  Can we change it immediately?  Probably not.   BUT - we can begin making differences and become an influence to others and just maybe we can see a movement across the globe to become better and kinder people.

One of the first ways to find our calm is by practicing mindfulness.   We “think” all the time but are we thinking about things that have already happened or things yet to come?  Things that are in the past are in the past and we cannot do one single thing about them.  Rehashing what we think we should have done or stewing over things that we feel that others did “to” us are of no use to us right now.  They only serve to increase our anxiety and frustration.

Worrying about the future is also useless.  Yes, we certainly should prepare for the future and we do that by being good stewards of the beautiful earth that we live on, providing for our families, saving for our future needs and building loving and caring communities.  Other than that, we cannot control what happens outside of our sphere of influence.

Although - if we influence one person to live in peace and calm and they influence another then the world just might become a better place.  What do you think?

Being mindful is a way that we can enjoy the world around us right now by using our senses to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.   Take a few moments to find a quiet spot - indoors our outdoors and sit in stillness.  View the world around you without judgment or interpretation.  Don’t try to explain it or understand it - just experience it.

Focus on your breathing.  Breath of Life!   The breath of life is what gives us life!   There is a breathing technique that can help you to calm the mind.  Box breathing helps to calm the nervous system by  inhaling deeply through your nose into your belly and expanding the lungs on the inhale for a count of four; holding that breath for a count of four; exhaling through your mouth expelling the air from your lungs and allowing your belly to contract for a count of four; holding for four.   Do this for a few rounds and then return to normal breathing.

Experience the world around you through your senses.  What do you see?  No judgment or interpretation of what you see - simply see it.   What do you hear? Birds singing, wind rustling?  What do you smell?  Is someone cooking?  Freshly cut grass?  Flowers?  Real Christmas tree? (my favorite).  What do you feel?  Is it cold or warm where you are?  Are you sitting on a soft surface or is it hard?  Are the clothes touching your skin soft? 

Appreciate the beauty that surrounds you without judgement and accept everything as it is.   Don’t think about how the floor might need vacumming or there are limbs outside to be picked up.  Those are distractions.  Focus only on right now - right this moment.

When you find yourself struggling with the noise of the world this week - find a spot that you can simply sit and breathe.

Have a beautiful week my friend.

Peace, Love and Light,


Neighborhood Wellness

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